New PhD position
SCI-CLAWPS is currently looking to recruit a new PhD student.
Kickoff Meeting for EU-funded DOWN2EARTH Project
We’ve kicked off the DOWN2EARTH project!
Postdoc and Project Manager Opportunities on EU-funded DOWN2EARTH Project
We’re hiring on the DOWN2EARTH project!
New keynote webinar
New keynote webinar.
New PhD position
SCI-CLAWPS is currently looking to recruit a new PhD student.
New blog post
New blog post by Michael Singer.
New publication in Hydrological Processes
New paper published by SCI-CLAWPS.
New publication in Advances in Water Resources
New paper published by SCI-CLAWPS.
Major research project funded by EU Horizon 2020 grant program
Major new research project funded by EU Horizon 2020 grant program.
New Paper in Water Resources Research
New Paper in Water Resources Research.
Large SCI-CLAWPS presence at this year’s AGU Fall Meeting
New SCI-CLAWPS paper in Nature
Nature paper published by SCI-CLAWPS team members.
Project planning workshop held in Bristol
Workshop held in Bristol to plan for EU grant submission.